Orthodontist Clinics In Perambra

Royal Dental Care



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Nucleus Poly Clinic Building, Menhaniam, Near Court Road, Perambra, Kozhikode, 673525

Since : 2022


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Orthodontist Clinics in Perambra: Transforming Smiles with Precision


In the scenic town of Perambra, our Orthodontist Clinics specialize in the art of transforming smiles through expert orthodontic care. Whether for children, teens, or adults, our clinics offer personalized solutions for teeth alignment, ensuring not just a straight smile but a confident and transformative experience.

Why Choose Our Orthodontist Clinics?

Our Orthodontist Clinics in Perambra prioritize the individual needs of patients seeking orthodontic care. Led by experienced orthodontists, our clinics offer a range of solutions, including traditional braces and Invisalign, tailored to achieve optimal teeth alignment. Choose our clinics for a commitment to precision in orthodontic treatment and the enhancement of your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. At what age should a child see an orthodontist?

Answer: The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an initial orthodontic evaluation for children by the age of 7. Early evaluations help identify potential issues and plan for effective orthodontic treatment.

2. Are braces the only option for straightening teeth?

Answer: No, braces are one of several options. Invisalign, clear aligners, and other orthodontic appliances provide alternative choices. The best option depends on individual needs, preferences, and the severity of the alignment issues.

3. How long does orthodontic treatment take?

Answer: The duration of orthodontic treatment varies based on the complexity of the case. On average, treatment may last from several months to a few years. Regular check-ups with the orthodontist ensure progress is on track.

4. Are orthodontic treatments painful?

Answer: Some discomfort is common during orthodontic adjustments, but it is usually manageable. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can help alleviate any temporary discomfort caused by braces or aligners.

5. Can adults get orthodontic treatment?

Answer: Absolutely. Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and teens. Many adults choose to straighten their teeth later in life. Options like Invisalign offer discreet and convenient solutions for adult orthodontic care.

6. Can orthodontic treatment improve oral health?

Answer: Yes, properly aligned teeth contribute to better oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Additionally, orthodontic treatment can improve bite function and jaw alignment.

7. How do I care for my teeth during orthodontic treatment?

Answer: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial. Regular brushing and flossing, along with following any specific care instructions provided by the orthodontist, help ensure the health of teeth and gums during treatment.


Choosing Orthodontist Clinics in Perambra means choosing precision and transformative confidence. Our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing personalized solutions for all ages, ensuring not only straight smiles but also the lifelong benefits of optimal teeth alignment. Experience the art of a perfectly aligned smile at our state-of-the-art clinics, where your confidence shines through your transformed smile.